Review of “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek

April 2021’s selection for Literati with Richard Branson was “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek. I have to say that not being a business owner, I struggled with some of the main principles, but instead applied my WHY to my creative pursuits. No, I am not looking to start a business as creative and innovativeContinue reading “Review of “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek”

Literati–The Mail-Order Book Club that is Our Answer to Connecting During Social Distancing

(This is not a paid blog post, but if Literati would like me to do posts in the future about the company or comments on my thoughts and feelings about the monthly book club experience, I am open to the opportunity.) Let me tell you about this amazing book club I joined in December 2020.Continue reading “Literati–The Mail-Order Book Club that is Our Answer to Connecting During Social Distancing”